Voice ( Active and Passive) | Definition | Kinds | Examples | English Grammarfg
Voice ( Active and Passive) is well defined and its kind or types also given rules in both Hindi and English medium and exams tipds for english papers for cbse class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, articles, number, gender, case, pronoun, adverb, Verbs, degree of adjective, preposition, conjuction, interjection, auxillary verbs, modals, mood, removal of too, question tag, determiners, causative verbs, finite verbs, non-finite verbs, tenses, active voice, passive voice, narration, direct and indect speech, clauses.
CBSE Notes ⇒ Class th ⇒
Voice ( Active and Passive) | Definition | Kinds | Examples | English Grammar
Voice ( Active and Passive)
Rule to change Active to Passive voice : Tenses
Active Voice and Passive Voice
Active Voice: Active voice के वाक्यों में subject (कर्ता) प्रधान होता है | जैसे -
1. वह फल खाता है |
He eats a fruit.
2. मैं दिल्ली शहर में रहता हूँ |
I live in Delhi city.
3. मेरे सभी दोस्त क्रिकेट खेलते हैं |
My all friends play cricket.
4. क्या आपने उसे पिटा ?
Did you beat him?
5. वे लोग कहाँ जायेंगे ?
Where will they go?
6. हमलोग अध्ययन कर चुके हैं |
We have studied.
7. अभय अपनी कार चला रहा था |
Abhay was driving his car.
Passive Voice: इसके वाक्यों में कर्म (object) प्रधान होता है |
1. उसके द्वारा फल खाया जाता है |
A fruit is eaten by him.
2. मेरे द्वारा दिल्ली शहर में रहा जाता है |
There is lived in Delhi city by me.
3. मेरे सभी दोस्तों के द्वारा क्रिकेट खेला जाता है |
Cricket is played by my all friends.
4. क्या आपके द्वारा उसे पिटा गया |
Was he beaten by you?
5. उनलोगों के द्वारा कहाँ जाया जायेगा ?
Where will be gone by them?
6. हमलोगों के द्वारा अध्ययन किया जा चूका है |
Study has been done by us.
7. अभय के द्वारा अपनी कार चलाया जा रहा था |
His car was being driven by Abhay.
समान्यत: हम जितने भी प्रकार के Tense या कोई अन्य प्रकार के वाक्य बनाते है या सीखते है सभी Active Voice में ही होते है | passive voice वाक्य में मुख्य फोकस action पर होता है |
English Grammar में निम्नलिखित प्रकार के वाक्यों का Passive voice बनाया जाता है |
(i) Tense के वाक्य
(ii) Modals के प्रयोग वाले वाक्य
(iii) Impretive sentences के वाक्य
1. Tense
सबसे पहले हम किसी भी tense के Active और Passive voice के बनावट को देखते हैं |
Present Indefinite Tense:
Asserative Sentence:
A.V: Subject + Verb1 + object + other words.
Ex: He shows his performance to people.
P.V: Subject (object) + is/am/are + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words.
Ex: His performance is shown by him to people.
नोट: यहाँ हमने subject और object के स्थान परिवर्तन एवं रूप परिवर्तन को समझने के लिए दो रंगों का प्रयोग किया है | Active voice में subject लाल रंग में है और object हरा रंग में है जबकि passive voice में subject हरा रंग में और object लाल रंग में है | इसका अर्थ ये है कि active voice के object को passive voice में subject बना दिया जाता है और active voice के subject को passive voice में object बना दिया जाता है |
subject ----------------> object
He का object him हो जाता है |
यहाँ कुछ इसी प्रकार के subject और उसके object की सूची दी गई है इसे अच्छी तरह याद कर ले |
Subjects | Objects |
I | me |
We | us |
You | You |
He | him |
She | her |
It | it |
They | Them |
One (कोई) | One |
No one | No one |
एक अन्य उदाहरण देखें |
A.V : She abuses me.
P.V : I am abused by her.
इस उदाहरण में object (me) को जब subject बनाया गया तो यह (I) बन गया और subject (She) को जब object बनाया गया तो यह (her) बन गया |
एक अन्य और उदाहरण देखें |
A.V : They love us.
P.V : We are loved by them.
अब आप समझ गए होंगे कि subject से object कैसे बनाना है और object को subject कैसे बनाना है इस table की मदद से | यदि कोई noun (संज्ञा) subject या object की जगह हो तो वो नहीं बदलता है वह वैसा ही रहता है |
जैसे -
A.V : Deepak sells books. '
P.V : Books are sold by Deepak.
नोट: यह नियम सभी प्रकार के वाक्यों में लागु होता है |
Negative Sentences:
A.V: Subject + do/does + not + Verb1 + object + other words.
Ex: He does not help me.
P.V: Subject (object) + is/am/are + not + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words.
Ex: I am not helped by him.
Interrogative Sentences:
Helping Verb:
A.V: Do/Does + Subject + Verb1 + object + other words?
Ex: Do you know him?
P.V: Is/Am/Are + Subject (object) + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words?
Ex: Is he known by you?
W.H family:
A.V: W.H + Do/Does + Subject + Verb1 + object + other words?
Ex: Where do you play cricket?
P.V: W.H + Is/Am/Are + Subject (object) + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words?
Ex: Where is cricket played by you?
Present Continuous Tense:
Asserative Sentence:
A.V: Subject + is/am/are + Verb1 + ing + object + other words.
Ex: You are taking rest .
P.V: Subject (object) + is/am/are + being + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words.
Ex: Rest is being taken by you.
Negative Sentences:
A.V: Subject + is/am/are + not + Verb1 + ing + object + other words.
Ex: They are not listening music.
P.V: Subject (object) + is/am/are + not + being + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words.
Ex: Music is not being listened by them.
Interrogative Sentences:
Helping Verb:
A.V: Is/Am/Are + Subject + Verb1 + ing + object + other words?
Ex: Am I reading this book?
P.V: Is/Am/Are + Subject (object) + being + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words?
Ex: Is this book being read by me?
W.H family:
A.V: W.H + is/am/are + Subject + Verb1 + ing + object + other words?
Ex: When is she learning her lesson?
P.V: W.H + Is/Am/Are + Subject (object) +being + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words?
Ex: When is her lesson being learnt by her?
Present Perfect Tense:
Asserative Sentence:
A.V: Subject + has/have + Verb3 + object + other words.
Ex: We have made a plan.
P.V: Subject (object) + has/have + been + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words.
Ex: A plan has been made by us.
Negative Sentences:
A.V: Subject + has/have + not + Verb3 + object + other words.
Ex: Radha has not cooked food.
P.V: Subject (object) + has/have + not + been + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words.
Ex: Food has not been cooked by Radha.
Interrogative Sentences:
Helping Verb:
A.V: Has/Have + Subject + Verb3 + object + other words?
Ex: Have you seen a lion?
P.V: Has/Have + Subject (object) + been + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words?
Ex: Has a lion been seen by you?
W.H family:
A.V: W.H + has/have + Subject + Verb3 + object + other words?
Ex: Why have they punished him?
P.V: W.H + has/have + Subject (object) + been + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words?
Ex: Why has he been punushed by them?
Past Tense
Past Indefinite Tense:
Asserative Sentence:
A.V: Subject + Verb2 + object + other words.
Ex: She demanded milk .
P.V: Subject (object) + was/were + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words.
Ex: Milk was demanded by her.
Negative Sentences:
A.V: Subject + did + not + Verb1 + object + other words.
Ex: Raju did not wear warm clothes.
P.V: Subject (object) + was/were + not + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words.
Ex: warm clothes were not worn by Raju.
Interrogative Sentences:
Helping Verb:
A.V: Did + Subject + Verb1 + object + other words?
Ex: Did you washed your hands?
P.V: Was/Were + Subject (object) + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words?
Ex: Were your hands washed by you?
W.H family:
A.V: W.H + did + Subject + Verb1 + object + other words?
Ex: When did you open this window?
P.V: W.H + was/were + Subject (object) + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words?
Ex: When was this window opened by you?
Past Continuous Tense:
Structure of sentences वाक्य की बनावट :
Asserative Sentence:
A.V: Subject + was/were + Verb1 + ing + object + other words.
Ex: I was playing music .
P.V: Subject (object) + was/were + being + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words.
Ex: Music was being played by me.
Negative Sentences:
A.V: Subject + was/were + not + Verb1 + ing + object + other words.
Ex: They were not donating their blood.
P.V: Subject (object) + was/were + not + being + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words.
Ex: Their blood was not donated by them.
Interrogative Sentences:
Helping Verb:
A.V: Was/Were + Subject + Verb1 + ing + object + other words?
Ex: Was she being happy?
P.V: Was/Were + Subject (object) + being + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words?
Ex: Was happy being been by her?
W.H family:
A.V: W.H + was/were + Subject + Verb1 + ing + object + other words?
Ex: When was she learning her lesson?
P.V: W.H + was/were + Subject (object) +being + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words?
Ex: When was her lesson being learnt by her?
Past Perfect Tense:
Asserative Sentence:
A.V: Subject + had + Verb3 + object + other words.
Ex: We had made a plan.
P.V: Subject (object) + had + been + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words.
Ex: A plan had been made by us.
Negative Sentences:
A.V: Subject + had + not + Verb3 + object + other words.
Ex: Radha had not cooked food.
P.V: Subject (object) + had + not + been + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words.
Ex: Food had not been cooked by Radha.
Interrogative Sentences:
Helping Verb:
A.V: Had + Subject + Verb3 + object + other words?
Ex: Had you seen a lion?
P.V: Had + Subject (object) + been + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words?
Ex: Had a lion been seen by you?
W.H family:
A.V: W.H + had + Subject + Verb3 + object + other words?
Ex: Why had they punished him?
P.V: W.H + had + Subject (object) + been + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words?
Ex: Why had he been punushed by them?
Future Perfect Tense
I shall have got a letter.
मैं पत्र पा चूका होऊँगा |
Syntax :
Sub (obj) + will/shall + have + been + V3 + by + obj (sub).
(1) They will have taught me.
I shall have been taught by them.
(2) Rani will have consulted a doctor.
A doctor will have been consulted by Rani.
(3) You will not have taken tea.
Tea will not have been taken by you.
Rules of Active to passive voice : Modals and Imperative Sentence
Rules of Active to passive voice : Modals and Imperative Sentence
Modals: Modals, Auxillary verbs होते है जिनकी वाक्य बनावट कुछ इस प्रकार के होते है :
(i) He can drive a car.
(ii) I should help him.
(iii) You must pass through this test.
(iv) Radha need study.
(v) She will play music.
(vi) He cannot leave any message.
(vii) You would take part in sport.
(viii) Depak may win the match.
इसप्रकार, इनकी बनावट कुछ ऐसी होती है |
Active Voice : Structure
Subject + modals + V1 + object.
passive voice में बदलने के लिए Tense वाले ही rule होते है फर्क सिर्फ इतना होता है कि इनमें लगने वाले Auxillary Verbs बदल जाते है और उनके साथ be जुड़ जाता है -
Passive Voice : Structure
Subject(From Object) + used modals + be + V1 + by + object (From Subject)
Active : He can win the match.
Passive: The match can be won by him.
Active : Radha could loose her purse.
Passive : Her purse could be lost by Radha.
Active : I should help him.
Passive : He should be helped by me.
Active : You must pass through this test.
Passive : This test must be passed through by you.
Active : She will play music.
Passive : Music will be played by her.
Active : He connot leave any message.
Passive : Any message cannot be left by him.
Active : You would take part in sport.
Passive : In sport would be taken part by you.
Active : Deepak may win the match.
Passive : The match may be won by Deepak.
Passive Voice Exercise : type 1
Exercise for Practice:
A. Change into passive voice.
1. I respect you.
2. You love me.
3. They write a letter.
4. She draws a picture.
5. I earn money.
6. You tell a lie.
7. We select a boy.
8. Players play cricket.
9. Radha sing a song.
10. You sell fruits.
1. You are respected by me.
2. I am loved by you.
3. A letter is writen by them.
4. A picture is drawn by her.
5. Money is earned by me.
6. A lie is told by you.
7. A boy is selected by you.
8. Cricket is played by players,
9. A song is sung by Radha.
10. Fruits are sold by you.
B. Change into passive voice.
1. Ashok wants a pen.
2. Ram makes a chair.
3. They run a race.
4. The peon rings the bell.
5. She does not wash clothes.
6. My father always helps me.
7. She gathers flowers.
8. He helps the poor.
9. You do not keep your word.
10. This officer does not punish his juniors.
C. Change into passive voice (Misclenoius Exercise)
1. I expect good news.
2. He bought a beautiful doll.
3. Kamla brought a cup of tea for me.
4. Do you read an English book?
5. She will make a fresh tea.
6. Does Manish cut green vegetables with knife?
7. Children have washed their clothes
8. He did not know you.
9. We wore woolen dresses?
10. Had they demanded some coffee?
11. Does Anita want a glass of milk?
12. Hen laid an egg.
13. Do I love her?
14. You should take a chance.
15. Girls can cross a river.
Passive Voice Exercise : type 2
Passive Voice Exercise:
Exercise-1. Change in to passive voice.
1. He respects me.
2. Who vexes you?
3. What do you eat?
4. What do they want?
5. Where does the farmer reap the harvest?
6. Who calls you at night?
7. Mohan tells stories.
8. I see a bird.
9. He likes apples.
10. You write poems.
Exercise-2. Change in to passive voice.
1. She uses my nice carpet when I absent.
2. My little Pomy moves his curved tail when I go after him.
3. Which word troubles you when I talk with you?
4. The sun gives us light and energy.
5. The moon provides us its golden light.
6. He has a red kite.
7. I have a large mango tree in garden.
8. He reads English reader.
9. You demand a five rupees note.
10. Ram sees everyday Hindi movie at his home.
Exercise-3. Change in to passive voice
1. When does my mother call me to have breakfast?
2. I operate my computer my self.
3. They do not pluck flowers.
4. Where do you live in Delhi?
5. How does she behave with you?
6. Who threats him in school?
7. The monkey jumps on one branch to another branch.
8. The dog barks at every night.
9. Why do we not celebrate our birth day?
10. Meera does not open the door.
Exercise-4. Change into passive voice.
1. Why does she eat ripe mango?
2. He sends me to beat him.
3. We do not take part in that meeting.
4. Who teaches you at your home?
5. Rekha loves you very much.
6. The police arrest the thieves.
7. I always solve my question my self.
8. The cat catches a little mouse.
9. Why does the teacher punish Manish in the class room?
10. Nabab flies his golden colored kite in the sky.
Passive Voice Exercise : type 3
Change into Active and Passive Voice Execise - English Grammar (Voice)
1. Present Indefinite Tense
Exercise-1. Change active voice into passive voice exercise.
1. He plays cricket.
2. She loves weeping.
3. They win the match.
4. We do not cross the road.
5. I take rest at noon.
6. Meera always quarrel to me.
7. Harsh gives me a red pen.
8. They miss the bus.
9. The cow gives milk.
10. She does not take rest.
Answer: Rule Applied: Object (As Subject) + is/am/are + verb3 + by + Subject (As Object).
(Object (As Subject) यहाँ object को subject बनाकर लिखना है )
(Subject (As Object) यहाँ subject को object बनाकर लिखना) ये Rule सभी प्रकार के Active to Passive Voice के नियम में लागु होगा |
See rule : See The Rule to change into Active voice to passive Voice
1. Cricket is played by him.
2. Weeping is loved by her.
3. The match is won by them.
4. The road is not crossed by us.
5. Rest is taken by me at noon.
6. I am always quarreled by Meera.
7. A red pen is given me by Harsh.
8. The bus is missed by them.
9. Milk is given by the cow.
10. Rest is not taken by her.
2. Present Continuous Tense:
Asserative Sentences:
See The Rule to change into Active voice to passive Voice
1. Change into passive voice:
1. I am taking tea.
2. We are reading our lessons.
3. You are telling a lie.
4. He is not beating me.
5. She is not running a race.
6. They are painting pictures.
7. Mohan is speaking the truth.
8. He is plucking flowers.
9. Ram is making a kite.
10. She is feeding the baby.
11. The farmers are not ploughing the fields.
12. She is not doing anything.
13. Are you helping the poor?
14. Why are you not giving a test?
15. The prizes are being given away by the principal.
3. Present Perfect Tense
Exercise-1. Change into passive voice exercise.
1. We have missed the bus.
2. Shyam has helped me.
3. I have bought a new book.
4. Ram has not spoken the truth.
5. He has sold his house.
6. We have taken bath.
7. We have learnt the poem.
8. He has not taken tea.
9. He has seen the Taj Mahal many times.
10. She has forgiven me.
See The Rule to change into Active voice to passive Voice
Exercise-2. Change into passive voice exercise.
1. I have spent all my money.
2. He has broken the window – pane.
3. Has Mamta spoiled your dresses?
4. Have you lost your game?
5. Why have you torn the letter?
6. When has Rita brought this pen?
7. Has she not kept the box?
8. Have they not respected their elder?
9. Why have you not kept your promise?
10. When have boys spoiled their shoes?
4. Past Indefinite Tense:
Exercise-1. Change into passive voice exercise.
1. We spoke the truth.
2. She drove a car.
3. He drank milk.
4. The boys made a noise.
5. I did not like the book.
6. They crossed the road.
7. I did not abuse him.
8. The peon did not ring the bell in time.
9. Ram did not obey his teacher.
10. The policeman caught him red – handed.
Exercise-2. Change into passive voice exercise (Interrogative Sentense).
1. How did Sohrab throw the ball?
2. Why did he take two hundred employees on work?
3. Why did you eat my share of sweets?
4. Who abused you yesterday?
5. Where did she wash her clothes?
6. When did he bring your lunch?
7. Why did I not kill him?
8. Did they play cricket?
9. Did you ride a horse?
10. Did she not take breakfast?
Exercise-3. Change into passive voice (Affirmative Sentense).
1. I helped you.
2. You helped me.
3. She loved me.
4. 1 loved her.
5. He bought a car.
6. They ate mangoes.
7. Ram killed a tiger.
8. The peon rang the bell.
9. Our team won the match.
10. Mohan broke the glass.
11. He finished the work soon.
12. The police caught the thief.
13. Somebody broke my window.
14. Mohan killed four birds.
15. They looted the house yesterday.
16. She abused me.
17. The doctor examined the patient.
18. We cut the tree.
5. Past Continous Tense:
Exercise-1. Change into passive voice exercise.
1. He was helping me.
2. They were cutting trees.
3. She was singing a song.
4. Ram was teaching her.
5. My son was cleaning the car.
6. They were cutting trees.
7. We were playing the match.
8. Nobody was answering the question.
9. You were watching the match.
10. They were repairing the bridge.
Exercise-2. Change into passive voice exercise.
See The Rule to change into Active voice to passive Voice
1. He was building a house.
2. She was teaching me.
3. We were drinking milk.
4. They were chasing the thief.
5. She was ironing her clothes.
6. They were playing a game.
7. You were not writing a letter.
8. Ram was not selling his old car.
9. He was not plucking the flowers.
10. You were not writing a story book.
11. We were not learning his lesson.
12. Was Reena teasing the dog?
13. Why was the peon not posting the letters?
14. Whom were you abusing?
15. I was selling my house.
6. Past Perfect Tense:
Exercise-1. Change Into Passive Voice exercise.
1. He had lost his pen.
2. You had made a plan.
3. I had recieved a message from her.
4. We had crossed the road.
5. She had crossed the limit.
6. She had told you all the matters.
7. Sheela had seen the Taj Mahal.
8. They had bought a new car.
9. I had sent a letter to her.
10. Children had punished for misbehave.
Exercise-2. Change into passive voice exercise.
1. The servant had posted the letter.
2. He had solved all the sums before ten.
3. He had already heard the news.
4. She had not written such a letter.
5. The child had broken the slate.
6. They had already made a plan.
7. The police had already caught the thieves.
8. They had finished the work before sunrise.
9. He had killed a snake before.
10. Had you ever seen the Taj before?
8. Future Perfect Tense:
Exercise-1. Change into passive voice exercise.
1. Raju will have made a plan.
2. Gopi will have sent a letter to his father.
3. You will not have abused me.
4. Will she have missed the train?
5. Why shall we have water the plants?
6. When will they have caught a thief?
7. She will have gotten a best friend.
8. He will have received my letter.
9. You will have taken breakfast.
10. I shall have knocked the door.
Miscellaneous Exercise:
B. Change into passive voice exercise.
1. We are taking rest.
2. She listens music at home.
3. I have changed my dresses.
4. You will read this book.
5. They crossed the limit of waiting.
6. I always buy tofees for my younger brother.
7. He is breaking his all windows.
8. The teacher should help students.
9. I can defeat him.
10. You lost your money yesterday.
C. Change into passive voice exercise.
1. I shall make a plan.
2. You are closing gate.
3. You learn your lesson.
4. I keep my promise.
5. He sent him jail.
6. I wrote a letter to him.
7. Gita misses you.
8. They abuse him.
9. The rain ruined the crops.
10. We recover the lended money.
Negative Sentences
See The Rule to change into Active voice to passive Voice
A. Change into passive voice exercise:
1. He does not wash his hands.
2. She could not help me.
3. I was not collecting rappers.
4. They had not completed this work.
5. Deepu will not play football today.
6. We do not solve any question.
7. My mother is not preparing tea for me.
8. Mr. Das did not wait me for half an hour.
9. Kavita has not sent the letter.
10. My Friend will not be seeing movie.
B. Change into passive voice exercise:
1. She did not demand coffee.
2. I am not telling a lie.
3. He has not written a letter.
4. The cow does not give milk.
5. My father did not take drinks.
6. Suman will not be selling her mobile phone.
7. Moti was not watching television.
8. Aditya does not want fighting.
9. He has not made any plan.
10. They had already sent a letter.
Miscellaneous Exercise:
1. Change into passive voice exercise:
1. He is making a bed.
2. Sita was selling fruits.
3. I opened a window.
4. They carry luggage.
5. She had broken her pen.
6. Deepa loves her mother.
7. She will visit Mumbai.
8. you have taken breakfast.
9. We flew kites.
10. He prays God.
Passive Voice Exercise : type 4 (Examination Based)
Complete the following passages by choosing the correct passive forms of the verbs given in brackets from the alternatives given below the passage.
Write only your answers in the answer sheet against the correct blank number.
1. Yesterday the city (a) _______ (hit) by a thunder-storm. Many trees (b) __________ (uproot) and streets at several places (c) _________ (flood) resulting in traffic jams.
a. | i) is hit | ii) was hitting |
iii) is hitting | iv) was hit |
b. | i) were uprooted | ii) was uproot |
iii) were uprooting | iv) will be uprooted |
c. | i) was flooding | ii) were flooded |
iii) flooded | iv) were flooding |
2. If a long journey (a) __________ (give) a good start, it is half covered. Weariness of the traveller (b)___________ (defeat) by his enthusiasm and hope. He (c) __________ (reward) with success.
a. | i) is giving | ii) was give |
iii) is given | iv) can given |
b. | i) is defeated | ii) defeated |
iii) were defeated | iv) defeating |
c. | i) was rewarding | ii) is rewarded |
iii) is rewarding | iv) rewarded |
3. Pleasure (a) _________ (enjoy) without passing through pains. Spring (b) __________ (relish) only by those whose bones (c) _________ (freeze) by unbearably cold winter.
a. | i) enjoy | ii) enjoys |
iii) are enjoyed | iv) can’t be enjoyed |
b. | i) relishing | ii) was relished |
iii) is relished | iv) are relishing |
c. | i) has frozen | ii) is frozen |
iii) have been frozen | iv) has been frozen |
4. Whenever I feel that I (a) _________ (leave) alone even by my shadow, my loneliness (b) _______ (dispel) by the soothing presence of someone who is everything for me. At that moment, I (c) _____ (compensate) heavily for all the losses ...... even that of my shadow.
a. | i) has left | ii) have left |
iii) have been left | iv) have been leave |
b. | i) has dispelled | ii) is dispelled |
iii) was dispelled | iv) is dispel |
c. | i) am compensated | ii) am compensating |
iii) have compensated | iv) was compensating |
5. Yesterday a U.F.O. (a) ________ (see) in the western sky over Delhi. People (b) _______ (horrify) to see it and started running helter skelter. It was reported to have remained suspended in the air for some time. Then it picked up speed and (c) _______ (lose) to view.
a. | i) was seeing | ii) was saw |
iii) was seen | iv) were seem |
b. | i) was horrify | ii) were horrified |
iii) were horrifying | iv) was horrified. |
c. | i) was lost | ii) had lost |
iii) was losing | iv) has lost |
6. Last week a picnic trip (a) __________ (organise) by our school for class XI. The students (b) ______ (take) to Fun and Food village. Five buses (c) _________ (hire) on the occasion.
a. | i) organised | ii) was organised |
iii) was organising | iv) had organised |
b. | i) had taken | ii) was taken |
iii) were taking | iv) were taken |
c. | i) were hired | ii) was hired |
iii) were hiring | iv) had hired |
7. Gandhiji (a) _________ (know) for practising what he preached. Our country (b) ______ (teach) the lesson of truth and non-violence by him. Almost the entire nation (c) ________ (bring) into the main-stream of freedom struggle under his leadership.
a. | i) was knowing | ii) had known |
iii) was known | iv) were know |
b. | i) were taught | ii) was taught |
iii) is teaching | iv) had taught |
c. | i) was brought | ii) was being brought |
iii) had brought | iv) was bringing |
8. Even the deepest wounds, that (a) _________ (give) over a long time by all the cruelties of the world (b) __________ (heal) by a few words of sympathy and love that (c) ______ (speak) by someone who is not apart from you but a part of you.
a. | i) has been given | ii) have been giving |
iii) have been given | iv) was giving |
b. | i) is healed | ii) are healed |
iii) will heal | iv) was healing |
c. | i) are spoken | ii) is speaking |
iii) are speaking | iv) have spoken |
Chapter Lists English Grammar
1. The Parts Of Speech
2. Noun
3. The Number
4. Gender
5. Case
6. Pronouns
7. Articles
8. Adverbs
9. Verbs
10. Adjectives
11. Degree of Adjectives
12. Prepositions
13. Conjunctions
14. Interjections
15. Auxiliary Verbs
16. Modals
17. Question tag
18. Removal of too
19. Determiners
20. Causative Verbs
21. Mood
22. Finite and Non-finite Verbs
23. Subject-Verb Concord/Agreement
24. Kinds of Sentences
25. Tenses
26. Voice ( Active and Passive)
27. Narration (Direct and Indirect Speech)
28. Clauses
29. Synthesis
30. Punctuation
31. Word Transformation
32. Homophones
33. Homonyms
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