ATP Education

Adverbs| Definition | Kinds | Examples | English Grammarfg

Adverbs is well defined and its kind or types also given rules in both Hindi and English medium and exams tipds for english papers for cbse class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, articles, number, gender, case, pronoun, adverb, Verbs, degree of adjective, preposition, conjuction, interjection, auxillary verbs, modals, mood, removal of too, question tag, determiners, causative verbs, finite verbs, non-finite verbs, tenses, active voice, passive voice, narration, direct and indect speech, clauses.

Adverbs| Definition | Kinds | Examples | English Grammar

Use of Only Too

Use of Only too

Only too का प्रयोग बहुत (very) के अर्थ में होता है | यह bad अथवा good के भाव वाले adjective से पहले होता है | 

जैसे - 

She is only too ugly.    [She is very ugly.]

I am only too happy.    [I am very happy.]

He is only too rude.     [He is very rude.]


Use of None Too

Use of None too 

None too का प्रयोग 'नहीं बहुत' (not very) के अर्थ में किया जाता है | तथा इसको bad अथवा good के भाव वाले adjective से पहले किया जाता है | 


He is none too good at mathematics. 

I am none too bad to teach you. 

She is none too pleasant to see her result. 

This place is none too pleasant for visiting. 


Use Of Rather

Use Of Rather

Rather का प्रयोग: 

Use of Little, A little and The Little

Use of Little, A little and The Little

Use of Coldly and Cooly

Use of Coldly and Cooly

Use of Enough and Quite

Use of Enough and Quite 

Use of Most and Mostly

Use of Most and Mostly

Use of Hotly and Warmly

Use of Hotly and Warmly

Use of Just and Just now

Use of Just and Just now

Use of Ago and Before

Use of Ago and Before

Use of Always and Ever

Use of Always and Ever

Use of Since and Ever since

Use of Since and Ever since

Use of Still and Yet

Use of Still and Yet 

Use of Late, Lately and Recently

Use of Late, Lately and Recently

Use of Soon, Early and Quickly

Use of Soon, Early and Quickly

Use of Already

Use of Already

Use of Certainly and Surely

Use of Certainly and Surely

Use of No, Not and None

Use of No, Not and None

Use of Hard and Hardly

Use of Hard and Hardly

Use of Hardly, Scarcely and Barely

Use of Hardly, Scarcely  and Barely

Use of Almost And Nearly

Use of Almost And Nearly


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