Prepositions| Definition | Kinds | Examples | English Grammarfg
Prepositions is well defined and its kind or types also given rules in both Hindi and English medium and exams tipds for english papers for cbse class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, articles, number, gender, case, pronoun, adverb, Verbs, degree of adjective, preposition, conjuction, interjection, auxillary verbs, modals, mood, removal of too, question tag, determiners, causative verbs, finite verbs, non-finite verbs, tenses, active voice, passive voice, narration, direct and indect speech, clauses.
CBSE Notes ⇒ Class th ⇒
Prepositions| Definition | Kinds | Examples | English Grammar
approval of |
fondness for |
need for |
afraid of |
fond of |
proud of |
apologize for
give up |
prepare for |
Studying of prepostions:
(i) On the basis of uses:
(a) Use of in
(b) Use of at
(c) Use of on
(d) Use of into
(e) Use of By
(f) Use of to
(g) Use of for
(h) Use of from
(i) Use of with
(j) Use of upon
(k) Use of over
(ii) On the basis of meaning
(iii) On the basis of using with verb (phrasal verb)
Use of In
Use of in
(i) In is used for unspecific time during a day, month, year, and season.
दिन, महीनों, वर्ष और मौसम के नाम के पहले अनिश्चित समय के लिए in का प्रयोग किया जाता है |
(a) I always go to play in the morning/evening.
(b) She born in January.
(c) He left this town in 2000.
(d) Kapil goes to the hill station in the summer.
Other uses:
(ii) In का प्रयोग खाली स्थानों (spaces) के लिए भी होता है |
in a jail, in a village, in a park, in Hospital, in a city, in the forest, in the world, in a tent, in a building, in a row, in a column, in a field etc.
(a) She flies kites in the sky.
(b) There is everything in the books.
(iii) (big places) बड़े स्थानों के नाम से पहले (city, state, country, )
(a) He lived in Kanpur.
(b) They born in Gujrat.
(c) She will play her next game in India.
(d) There is poverty in Pakistan.
(iv) जल धारण करने वाले जलाशयों (water bodies) के नाम के पहले;
जैसे : in the well, in the pond, in the river, in the sea, in the bay etc.
(a) Anuradha learns to swim in the canal.
(v) किसी जगह में (में या के अन्दर के अर्थ में ) किसी निश्चित रखी वस्तु (certain thing) के पहले in का प्रयोग होता है |
(a) My mobile is in my pocket.
(b) The television was in my bed room.
(c) The money is in your purse.
(d) There is water in the jug.
(e) There were four tigers left in that forest.
(vi) To express position and condition(दशा या स्थिति को व्यक्त करने के लिए)
Examples :
(a) She has completed her study in poverty.
(b) She used to dance in happiness.
(c) I always take advises in troubles.
Use of At
Use of At:
1. किसी वस्तु की अनिश्चित अवस्था/स्थिति को प्रकट करने के लिए at का प्रयोग करते हैं:
(i) My father is at home.
2. The point of time (निश्चित समय के लिए at का प्रयोग करते हैं |)
(i) I go to school at 7 a.m.
(ii) She takes her dinner at 9 O' clock.
3. छोटे-छोटे शहरों के नाम, गाँव के नाम, मोहल्लों के नाम के पहले at का प्रयोग करते हैं :
(i) I lived at Mohan Garden.
(ii) She born at Shahajadpur.
4. उस स्थान से पहले जहाँ थोड़े देर ठहरना होता है :
at home, at school, at the station, at the platform, at the top, at meeting, at at bottom, at page 20, at the airport, at the party, at college, at the bridge, at theatre etc.
5. त्योहारों के नाम (The name of Festivals) के पहले at का प्रयोग करते हैं :
at Holi, at dussehra, at Diwali, at Ramjan, at Muharram, at Christmas etc.
6. दर (Rate), कीमत (cost), गति की दर (The rate of motion) आदि को बताने के लिए at का प्रयोग करते हैं :
(i) Milk sells at Rs. 42 per a litre.
(ii) I Drive my car at the speed of 80 km/hour.
(iii) I bought this at Rs. 90.
7. अस्थायी कार्य (Temporary work) को व्यक्त करने के लिए :
(i) My brother was at work.
(ii) Labours are at home.
(iii) Children are at play.
8. उम्र (Age) को व्यक्त करने के लिए अथवा उम्र के किसी भाग को बताने के लिए :
(i) She married at the age of 22.
(ii) I join my first class at five.
Use of On
On का प्रयोग :
1. Day तथा Date के साथ on का प्रयोग होता है |
(i) I shall go to Delhi on Monday.
(ii) India became free on 15 August 1947.
2. किसी वस्तु की स्थिति (position) या किसी विषय के topic को बताने के लिए |
(i) Mr. Das has written a book on Grammar.
(ii) He delivered a speech on "Child Labour".
3. किसी वस्तु के ऊपर रखी स्पर्श करती वस्तु के लिए |
(i) My cap is on my head.
(ii) Deepak is on the roof.
(iii) Cat is on the table.
(iv) A man was laying on the road.
इसी प्रकार,
on the floor, on the way, on the wall and on the surface.
4. उस निश्चित समय के साथ जिस पर कोई काम होना है, या हुआ है |
(i) I reached the office on time.
(ii) She will come here on time.
यहाँ on time का निश्चित समय का बोध होता है जो वास्तविक निर्धारित समय है | ऐसे वाक्यों में in time का भी प्रयोग होता है, लेकिन दोनों में अंतर है | in time का बोध होता है निश्चित समय से पहले |
5. सवारी (Riding) करने के लिए on का प्रयोग करते हैं :
On foot, On cycle, On a horse, on a camel, on an elephant etc.
I go to school on foot.
He is riding on a horse.
Use of Of
Of का प्रयोग :
1. of का अर्थ मुख्यत: का, के, की के अर्थ में सम्बन्ध प्रकट करने के लिए होता है |
The branch of tree, The bank of India, The legs of chair, The sound of crackers.
2. गुण (Merits) या कारण (reason), अधिकार (possession) को प्रकट करने के लिए;
(i) She is a girl of good nature. (Merits)
(ii) The patient died of Dengue. (reason)
(iii) I am fond of music. (Merits)
(iv) He is guilty of murder.
(v) My father is the man of principle.
(vi) She is blind of one eye.
3. Of का प्रयोग 'में' के अर्थ में भी होता है : जैसे -
(i) I am confident of my success.
(ii) He is weak of patience.
4. Origin/sources को बताने के लिए
(i) My friend came of a poor family.
(ii) This chair is made of fibres.
(iii) She is of Rajasthan.
(iv) Deepak comes of noble family.
5. Of का प्रयोग "में से" के अर्थ में किया जाता है : जैसे -
(i) He is one of the most popular singer of India.
(ii) I am one of them who has won the prize.
6. "के बारे में", के संबंध में", "के विषय में" (about) के अर्थ में Of का प्रयोग होता है |
(i) I have heard of them.
(ii) He does not know of me.
(iii) She has informed the police of the theft.
Use of Into
Use of Into
(1) जब कोई वस्तु या व्यक्ति किसी चीज के अन्दर गति के साथ प्रवेश करता है तो "में" के अर्थ में into का प्रयोग करते हैं |
जैसे -
(i) I entered into the principal office.
(ii) He came into my room.
(iii) The theif broke into the house.
(iv) The frog jumped into the pond.
(2) जब किसी वस्तु का रूप परिवर्तन होता है तो वहाँ में के अर्थ में into का प्रयोग करते हैं :
जैसे -
(i) Translate this passage into English.
(ii) Water is converted into vapour.
(iii) Change this liquids into solid.
(iv) Change paises into rupees.
Use of By
Use of By
(1) Passive voice में कर्ता (Doer) के साथ 'के द्वारा' के अर्थ में
A mango is eaten by me.
Ravana was killed by Ram.
My house is sold by my father.
Flowers are plucked by gardener.
(2) घड़ी (Watch) से समय बताने के लिए
It is ten by my watch.
मेरी घड़ी में दस बजे हैं |
(3) By का प्रयोग 'निर्दिष्ट समय से पहले' के लिए तक के अर्थ में
By four O' clock
चार बजे तक
By seven O' Clock
सात बजे तक
By 9 a.m
सुबह नौ बजे तक
By mid-night
आधी-रात तक
He will complete his work by morning.
(4) (Mean of transport) यातायात के साधनों के नाम से पहले 'से/के द्वारा' के अर्थ में:
By bus, by car, by cycle, by taxi, by train, by aeroplane, by metro, by ship, by scooter, by helicopter etc.
My mother goes to office by car.
She came here by train.
(5) Action को प्रकट करने के लिए जैसे -
He caught me by hand.
He caught me by neck.
(6) माप-तौल के इकाई (Unit of Measurements) को बताने के लिए :
By metre, By feet, by kilo, by gram,
Clothes are sold by metre.
(7) कार्य के तरीके (Method of action) को बताने के लिए :
By installmen, by order, by cheque, by bankdraft, by hand, by post, by mail, by email, by call, by money, by cash, by messenger, by self.
(8) प्राप्त परिणाम/सफलता के तरीके को बताने के लिए |
by help of parent, by help of book, by net, by google, by hard work, by support
(9) यातायात के मार्ग को बताने के लिए :
By air, by land, by sea, by road, by bridge, by underground, by rail
(10) कुछ मुहावरों के साथ by का प्रयोग होता है :
By God, by chance, by heart, by force, by action, by mistake, by help etc.
(11) किनारे या समीप के अर्थ में by का प्रयोग किया जाता है :
He sat by her.
My brother lived by river.
Use of Since
Use of since:
Since का प्रयोग present perfect continuous तथा past perfect continuous में निश्चित time duration से पहले "से" के अर्थ में किया जाता है |
जैसे -
I have been reading this since morning.
You had been telling a lie since childhood.
She has been cooking food since 9 O' clock.
He had been driving car since Monday.
Use of For
Use of For:
(1) For का प्रयोग present perfect continuous तथा past perfect continuous में अनिश्चित time duration से पहले "से" के अर्थ में किया जाता है :
I have been writing a letter for three hours.
She has been making a model for two days.
They had been collecting money for help of the poor for many years.
We had been listening him for 10 months.
(2) "के लिए" के अर्थ में for का प्रयोग करते हैं :
They are made for each other.
I bring a nice cake for my sister.
He serves for country.
She earns money for her family.
(3) खरीद-बिक्री (selling-purchasing) में for का प्रयोग किया जाता है :
I bought a book for fifty rupees.
He sold his car only for 1 lakh.
(4) किसी उदेश्य को बताने के लिए :
The birds were gasping for breath.
I did it for your goodness.
Use of Upon
Use of Upon:
(i) Upon का प्रयोग तब किया जाता है जब किसी वस्तु में गति हवा में हो |
जैसे -
The frong jumped upon my book.
The tiger sprang upon the deer.
(ii) On के अर्थ में (के ऊपर)
The theory was based upon two considerations.
(iii) phrases में (before) के अर्थ में -
Once upon a time there was a king.
(iv) To show the large number or amount of something.
- mile upon mile : मीलों मीलों तक
- thousands upon thousands : हजारों हजारों तक
There was mile upon mile of dusty road.
Thousands upon thousands of patriots were arrested.
Use of To
(i) To express the destination (लक्ष्य को बताने के लिए):
जैसे - I am going to school.
He was connecting wire to the motor.
(ii) To express the ending time or place (समाप्त समय या स्थान को बताने के लिए):
जैसे -
He went from Delhi to Mumbai.
The insect moved from here to there.
I waited for him from morning to evening.
(iii) Home से पहले to का प्रयोग नहीं होता है :
I go home (correct)
I go to home (Incorrect)
(iv) समय (time) बताने के लिए जब घडी में कुछ देर बजने में कम हो |
जैसे -
It is five to ten. ; दस बजने में पांच मिनट कम है |
It was quarter to five. : पौने पांच बजे थे |
(vi) सामने वाले के लिए to का प्रयोग करते हैं :
I called to him.
He said to me.
(v) Main verb के बाद कोई varb आता है to इसे infinitive बनाने के लिए to का प्रयोग करते है : infinitive = (to + verb)
जैसे -
I go to play.
I live to earn.
He go to buy a car.
(vi) समीप/ पास (Near) के अर्थ में
जैसे -
I go to him.
She came to me for paying money.
(vii) को के अर्थ में
जैसे -
Ram killed Rawan.
I distributed toffee to all students.
(viii) पर (At) के अर्थ में --
I called him to playground.
I invited him to dinner.
Use of From
Use Of From:
(1) From का प्रयोग समान्यत: अलगाव अथवा जुदाई (Seperation) के लिए 'से' के अर्थ में होता है |
I come from school daily in the evenning.
He has gone from here.
She is from Mumbai.
Fruits fall from tree.
(2) Time समय के एक बिंदु को व्यक्त करने के लिए 'से' के अर्थ में from का प्रयोग present, past तथा future tense के किया जाता है :
जैसे -
I have stayed here from Monday.
She will join this class from 8 a.m.
I know her from many times ago.
(3) Source (स्रोत) को बताने के लिए :
जैसे - The curd is made from milk.
This chair is made from wood.
Humen beings are made from Panchtatva.
(3) किसी वस्तु कि origin बताने के लिए :
जैसे -
I come here from Rajsthan.
This poem is taken from Gitanjali.
This tittle is taken from text book.
(iv) कारण (Cause) बताने के लिए 'से' के अर्थ में -
जैसे- I am suffering from fever.
You are going from problems.
Use of Off
Use of Off
Rule: Off का प्रयोग seperation (बिलगाव या अलगाव ) के भाव के लिए 'at a distance from या far from' के अर्थ में किया जाता है |
जैसे - There was a river a little way off my village.
मेरे गाँव से कुछ दूर पर एक नदी थी |
A little child fell off the tree.
एक छोटा बच्चा पेड़ से गिरा |
Switch off the bulb.
बत्ती बुझा दो |
I put off my dress and started eating.
मैंने अपनी पोशाक उतारी और खाना शुरू कर दिया |
Use of With
Use of With
Rule 1: किसी भी औजार (instruments) या हथियार (weapons) के नाम के पहले with का प्रयोग किया जाता है |
जैसे -
(I) My mother cuts vegetable with knife.
(ii) I shooted him with gun.
(iii) My teacher beated me with stick.
(iv) I write a letter with pen.
Rule 2: साथ या संगत (company) के लिए with का प्रयोग किया जाता है | जैसे-
(i) I went to market with my mother.
(ii) She saw movie with her friends.
Rule 3: निष्कर्ष (conclusion) को बताने के लिए with का प्रयोग किया जाता है | जैसे -
(i) After solving three and half hours I came up with a solution.
(ii) Raju got admission in eleventh with good result.
Rule 4: 'से' के अर्थ में कारण (cause) बताने के लिए
(i) She died with dengue.
(ii) The girl was trembling with fear.
Rule 5: के बावजूद (inspite of) के अर्थ में with का प्रयोग किया जाता है |
with all his wealth, he is unhappy.
With all her beauty, none likes her.
Use of Without
Use of Without: समान्यत: without का प्रयोग "के बिना" के अर्थ में किया जाता है |
(i) I can't live without you.
मैं तुम्हारे बिना नहीं रह सकता।
(ii) He can't live without food.
वह भोजन के बिना नहीं रह सकता।
(iii) She can do any home her without any help.
वह बिना किसी की मदद के घर का कोई भी काम कर सकती है।
(iv) We are studying in class without teacher.
हम बिना शिक्षक के कक्षा में पढ़ रहे हैं।
(v) It looks fun a life without freind.
यह बिना दोस्त के जीवन मजाक लगता है।
Use of Between
Use of Between : दो व्यक्तियों या वस्तुओं के बीच के अर्थ में between का प्रयोग किया जाता है |
(i) Distribute these sweets between Ram and Shyam.
इन मिठाइयों को राम और श्याम के बीच बांट दो।
(ii) There was a fight between two men.
वहाँ दो व्यक्तियों में लड़ाई हो रही थी |
(iii) There is no common difference between Sita and Geeta.
सीता और गीता में कोई सामान्य अंतर नहीं है।
(iv) We should not come between two men.
हमें दो आदमियों के बीच नहीं आना चाहिए।
(v) The God does not distinguish between you and me.
ईश्वर मुझमें और तुममें भेद नहीं करता।
(v) There is a world cup final match between India and Pakistan today at 6:00 p.m.
भारत और पाकिस्तान के बीच आज शाम 6:00 बजे वर्ल्ड कप फाइनल मैच है।
(vi) No one can come between you and me.
तुम्हारे और मेरे बीच कोई नहीं आ सकता।
(vii) It is always painful to listen talking between two women.
दो महिलाओं के बीच बात करते हुए सुनना हमेशा दर्दनाक होता है।
(viii) My brother can't difference between bad and good.
मेरा भाई अच्छे और बुरे में फर्क नहीं कर सकता।
Use of Among
Use of Among : दो से अधिक व्यक्तियों या वस्तुओं के लिए "के बीच में" के अर्थ में among का प्रयोग किया जाता है|
(i) There is misunderstanding among people.
लोगों के बीच गलतफहमी है |
(ii) It is not so easy to say something among people.
लोगों के बीच कुछ कहना इतना आसान नहीं होता।
(iii) Distribute these sweets among children.
in मिठाईयों को बच्चों में बाँट दो |
(iv) There is any informer among us.
हमारे बीच कोई मुखबिर है।
(v) Mr. Lalit Saxena is the best teacher among our school's teachers.
श्री ललित सक्सेना हमारे स्कूल के शिक्षकों में सबसे अच्छे शिक्षक हैं।
Use of After
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Use of Before
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Use of Beside
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Use of Inside
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Use of Within
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Use of During
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Use of Behind
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Use of in front of
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Use of Above
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Use of Below
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Use of Over
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Use of Under
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Use of Against
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Use of Across
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Use of Along
मेरा भारत महान
मेरा भारत महान
Use of Toward
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Use of Up
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Use of Down
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Use of Till and Untill
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Use of Round and Around
This page is underconstruction.
Use of About
This page is underconstruction.
Chapter Lists English Grammar
1. The Parts Of Speech
2. Noun
3. The Number
4. Gender
5. Case
6. Pronouns
7. Articles
8. Adverbs
9. Verbs
10. Adjectives
11. Degree of Adjectives
12. Prepositions
13. Conjunctions
14. Interjections
15. Auxiliary Verbs
16. Modals
17. Question tag
18. Removal of too
19. Determiners
20. Causative Verbs
21. Mood
22. Finite and Non-finite Verbs
23. Subject-Verb Concord/Agreement
24. Kinds of Sentences
25. Tenses
26. Voice ( Active and Passive)
27. Narration (Direct and Indirect Speech)
28. Clauses
29. Synthesis
30. Punctuation
31. Word Transformation
32. Homophones
33. Homonyms
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